Monday, March 13, 2017

If you have not already viewed this post please do.  It is enlightening. 


Thats all I am going to talk about today.  I plan on watching TV and deciding what to do is this big yard.  Perhaps I will pull weeds from aroud those Shasta Daisies.  They are so lovely.  If the movie shows its called 'Bastille Day', enjoy it free.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Same Shit Different Day March 10, 2017

What a beautiful day, I have Shasta Daisie growing around a tree, two large cedar tree in the back yard.  The patio is divine.  I miss my pals though.  I guess going to school takes my mind off stupid shit.  I enjoyed the Onion Project so I made it into a YouTube,  I hope it plays.  I enjoy Texas about as much as I enjoyed Michigan.  There still ain't shit to do.  Back to the book work.  I really hate America right now.  It is full of insane fucks and really ugly people.
Late dudes and dudettes.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Same Shit Different Day

What a bunch of shit the country has gotten into.  This is definitely not the same old shit. 

And on top of all this shit, my internet is not working so my 'Smart' TV is a useless waste of money.  Can you just feel how much I hate ISP's and their lumpy bullshit:  Unplug the cable, wait ten seconds and then plug it back in.  It should be fine.  Well bitch it is not fine, for almost six days now, it has not been fine.  Oh, and get this, the tech fee to come out and check this Verizon Fios shit is $75.  I am so glad we are moving into a house, and can have our satellite service back.  Next week I will discuss the country we find ourselves associated with.  Same Shit different day!🙈🙉🙊 MONKEYS

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Same Shit: Different Day: Saturday

Yep-Yep! Those Koch Brothers bought this state. Real shame should be on their faces, but all you see is the green $$$ signs and Walker to appease what is left of his soul walks for Special Olympics. Yeah! He went there. So who's zooming who?

Maryalice Anderson posted from her Ipad!

Friday, June 08, 2012

Same Shit: Different Day: Friday

I don't know dude. I am still trying to cut through the BS we been fed through the years myself. So when you find out text me!

Maryalice Anderson posted from her Ipad!

Location:N 48th St, Milwaukee,WI United States

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Same Shit: Different Day! Thursday

Wisconsin is Lost!

It is all about the money! The C.R.E.A.M. syndrome has been in politics since forever. None of them really care about any of US! Unless you can spare a couple hundred thousand dollars you are just part of the ignorant masses. I vote cause I fought for the right, now that I can assimilate the real from the BS, I vote for the hope.

Maryalice Anderson posted from her Ipad!

Location:N 48th St,Milwaukee,United States

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Same Shit: Different Day

Lazy ass people in Wisconsin!
That is all I plan on saying today on that!

View Maryalice Anderson's stickers on GetGlue

Maryalice Anderson posted from her Ipad!

Location:N 48th St,Milwaukee,United States