Friday, May 25, 2012

Same Shit: Different Day: Friday

BLACK HOLOCAUST: The Black Experience in America

If anyone truly believes that the April attack on the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, was the most tragic bombing ever to take place on United States soil - as the media has been widely reporting - they're wrong, plain and simple. That's because an even deadlier bombing occurred in that same state nearly 75 years ago. Many people in high places would like to forget that it ever happened. Searching under the heading of "riots," "Oklahoma," and "Tulsa," in current editions of the World Book Encyclopedia, there is conspicuously no mention whatsoever of the Tulsa race riot of 1921, and this omission is by no means a surprise, or a rare case.

The fact is, one would also be hard-pressed to find documentation of the incident, let alone an accurate accounting of it, in any other "scholarly" reference or American history book. That's precisely the point that noted author, publisher and orator Ron Wallace, a Tulsa native, sought to make nearly five years ago, when he began researching this riot, one of the worse incidents of violence ever visited upon people of African descent. Ultimately joined on the college project by Jay Jay Wilson of Los Angeles, the duo found and compiled indisputable evidence of what they now describe as "A Black Holocaust in America." The date was June 1, 1921, when "Black Wallstreet," the name fittingly given to one of the most affluent all-Black communities in America, was bombed from the air, and burned to the ground by mobs of envious whites. In a period spanning fewer than 12 hours, a once thriving black business district in northern Tulsa lay smoldering.

A model community destroyed, and a major African-American economic movement resoundingly defused. The night's carnage left some 3,000 African-Americans dead, and over 600 successful businesses lost. Among these were 21 restaurants, 30 grocery stores and two movie theaters, a bank, a post office, libraries, schools, law offices, a half-dozen private airplanes, a bus system, a hospital and 21 churches. As could have been expected the impetus behind it all was the infamous Ku Klux Klan, working in consort with ranking city officials, and many other sympathizers.

In their self-published book, "Black Wallstreet: A Lost Dream," and its companion video documentary, "Black Wallstreet: A Black Holocaust in America!" the authors have chronicled for the very first time, in the words of area historians and elderly survivors, what really happened there on that fateful summer day in 1921, and why it happened. Wallace similarly explained why this bloody event from the 1920s seems to have a recurring effect that is felt in predominately Black neighborhoods to this day. The best description of Black Wallstreet, or Little Africa, as it was also known, could be likened to a mini-Beverly Hills. It was the golden door of the Black community during the early 1900s, and it proved that African-Americans had successful infrastructure. That's what Black Wallstreet was all about. The dollar circulated 36 to 100 times, sometimes taking a year for currency to leave the community. Now, in 1995, a dollar leaves the Black community in 15 minutes. As far as resources, there were Ph.D.'s residing in Little Africa, Black attorneys and doctors. One doctor was Dr. Berry, who owned the bus system. His average income was $500 a day, hefty pocket change in 1910. During that era, physicians owned medical schools. There were pawn shops everywhere, brothels, jewelry stores, 21 churches, 21 restaurants and two movie theaters. It was a time when the entire State of Oklahoma had only two airports, yet six Blacks owned their own airplanes.

It was a very fascinating community. The area encompassed over 600 businesses and 36 square blocks with a population of 15,000 African-Americans. And when the lower-economic Europeans looked over and saw what the Black community created, many of them were jealous. When the average student went to school on Black Wallstreet, he wore a suit and tie because of the morals and respect they were taught at a young age… The main thoroughfare was Greenwood Avenue, and it was intersected by Archer and Pine Streets; from the first letters in each of those three names, you get G.A.P, and that's where the renowned R & B music group The Gap Band got its name. They're from Tulsa. Black Wallstreet was a prime example of the typical Black community in America, with an independent Black business community, but what made it unusual was its location. At the time, Oklahoma was set aside to be a Black and Indian state. There were over 28 Black townships there. One third of the people who traveled in the terrifying "Trail of Tears," along-side the Indians between 1830 to 1842 were Black people. The citizens of this proposed Indian and Black state chose a Black governor, a treasurer from Kansas named McDade. But the Ku Klux Klan said that if he assumed office, that they would kill him within 48 hours.

A lot of Blacks owned farmland, and many of them had gone into the oil business. The community was so tight and wealthy because they traded dollars hand-to-hand, and because they were dependent upon one another as a result of the Jim Crow laws. It was not unusual for a home accidentally burned down, to be rebuilt within a few weeks by neighbors. This was the type of scenario that was going on day to day on Black Wallstreet. Blacks intermarried into the native Indian culture, and some of them inherited Indian land claims, including whatever oil was later found on the properties. To illustrate how wealthy this Black community was, there was a banker in a neighboring town whose wife, California Taylor, was the daughter of the owner of the largest cotton gin west of the Mississippi River. When California went shopping, it was in Paris, France, where she had her clothes custom made. Black Wallstreet conducted global business, and the Black community of Tulsa flourished from the early 1900s until June 1, 1921, when the largest massacre of civilian Americans in the history of the United States took place, all at the instigation of the KKK. Imagine walking out of your front door and seeing 1,500 homes on fire. It must have been amazing!

Survivors interviewed think that the whole thing was planned, because during the time that all of this was going on, white families stood with their children around the borders of the Black district, watching the massacre, the looting and all, much in the same manner they would watch a lynching. The word "picnic" derives from a form of homicide-as-entertainment pastime native to Oklahoma, being short for "pick a nigger" to lynch. (It was a typical Friday evening form of recreation that was considered perfectly normal, during which a Black male would be lynched, and the viewers would cut off body parts as souvenirs.) This went on every weekend in this country, and it was all across the county. (Interestingly enough, the readiness to take a souvenir from a lynching implied that it was socially acceptable to murder Blacks, and it is eerily reminiscent of the detailed records the Nazi's kept of the people they exterminated in the death camps, as if what they were doing was not illegal. WFI Editor)

The riots were not caused by anything Black or white; it was caused by jealousy. Lots of white people had come back from World War I, and they were poor. When they looked over into the Black communities and realized that Black men who fought in the War, had come home as heroes, it helped to trigger the destruction. The riot cost the Black community everything, and not a single dime of restitution - no insurance claims - has been awarded to the victims to this day. Nonetheless, they rebuilt. Yet, it is estimated that 1,500 to 3,000 people were killed and we know that many of them were buried in mass graves all around the city. Some were thrown into the river. As a matter of fact, at 21st Street and Yale Ave., where there now stands a Sears parking lot, was once a coal mine; many bodies were thrown into the shafts before they were sealed up, and paved over for the convenience of shoppers. Black Americans don't know about this story because the word "holocaust" disturbs the partisans of the Democratic and Republican parties. The white community is haunted by the reality of the republic's past as a slave-state, and is anxiety ridden that some day the Black community will make demands for restitution, for the "Old Money" fortunes that were made on the backs of enslaved black people. The idea that the United States invented "ethnic cleansing" and racism, and that the first concentration camps were devised by the U.S., and that the Black people were subjected to a holocaust because of the fear they caused in the white community, who fully realized the violent implications of the enslavement of another ethnic group, all defies the patriotic jingoistic propaganda taught to school-children, that America is the land of the free.

When other ethnic groups use the word "holocaust" it is socially acceptable; but when Black people discuss the Black Holocaust, they are dismissed as cry-babies, trying to dig up old issues from ancient history, that most white people believe are settled. In 1910, Black people owned 13 million acres of land, at the height of racism in the United States. The reality that the Black people had a thriving community is proof that they have the equal ability of any other ethnic group, justifying the pride of Black people in the accomplishments of their community. It is also important for all people to understand the reality of the Black Holocaust in America, and stop trying to deny the fact that the biggest obstacle to a social peace in the United States today is the role played by the Federal Government in perpetuating racist conflict in the past.

SOURCE: Excerpted from Black Elegance Magazine, date unknown. As told to Ronald E. Childs; Ron Wallace, co-author of "Black Wallstreet." To order Black Wallstreet, contact Dularon Entertainment, Inc., P. O. Box 2702, Tulsa, OK, 74149, or call 1(800)682-7975.
Reprinted in the public service of the national interest of the American people.

The social clash between the white and black ethnic groups in the United States is especially marked by the fear that permeates white society regarding black people. To many average white people, black people and the black experience is completely alien. When the things that are common to black people are related to many average white people, such as having to come to grips with constant suspicion from others - like store security - solely on the basis of the color of one's skin, it is virtually impossible for the white person to believe that such conditions exist in America. Likewise, the consistent reports of police harassment of black people that have been documented since the first days of the republic, are hard to believe by middle-class white people, who only have cordial relations with the police. It is also easier for white people to let go of the memory of slavery than it is for the black people, because for the white people it represented an episode of national shame. The number of black people who "disappeared," is too high to estimate, and no one has really tried, because the gruesome reality that murder was used liberally to keep the racist based class-system active even after the official end of slavery is too ugly a lesson for school teachers to disclose to impressionable children. Another black community that perished in the middle of the night, was Rosewood, Florida. It was only recently that it even came to light that Rosewood was destroyed, and that people were murdered, on no more than a rumor. But it is important to all Americans, that the truth about the past be faced honestly, if America is to have a future at all.

Maryalice Anderson posted from her Ipad!

Location:N 48th St,Milwaukee,United States

Monday, May 21, 2012

Same Shit: Different Day: Monday

Helpful Tips on Herbs, Spice and What-Nots:
***30 Most Popular Herbs for Natural Medicine***
Aloe Vera – Antibacterial, anti-fungal, antiviral, wound and burn healer, natural laxative, soothes stomach, helps skin disorders.
Basil – Powerful antispasmodic, antiviral, anti-infectious, antibacterial, soothes stomach.
Black Walnut – Good for eliminating parasites, good for fungal infections, good for warts and poison ivy, aids digestion.
Black Cohosh – Relieves menopausal hot flashes, relieves menstrual cramps, helps circulatory and cardiovascular disorders, lowers blood pressure, reduces cholesterol, useful for nervousness and stress.note: Do not use during pregnancy.
Cinnamon – It has been proven that 99.9% of viruses and bacteria can not live in the presence of cinnamon. So it makes a great antibacterial and antiviral weapon.
Cayenne- Catalyst for other herbs, useful for arthritis and rheumatism (topically and internally), good for colds, flu viruses, sinus infection and sore throat, useful for headache and fever, aids organs (kidneys, heart, lungs, pancreas, spleen and stomach, increase thermogenesis for weight loss.
Clove Bud – Improves the immune system, they are also an antioxidant and doubles as an antibacterial and antimicrobial fighter.
Cypress – The therapeutic properties of cypress oil are astringent, antiseptic, antispasmodic, deodorant, diuretic, haemostatic, hepatic, styptic, sudorific, vasoconstrictor, respiratory tonic and sedative.
Dandelion – Helpful for PMS, good for menopause, increases ovarian hormones.
Echinacea (coneflower) – Boosts white blood cell production, immune system support, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties, good for colds, flu and infection. Note: Use no more than two weeks at a time. Do not use if you are allergic to sunflowers or related species.
Eucalyptus – Anti-infectious, antibacterial and antiviral.
Garlic – Helps fight infection, detoxifies the body, enhances immunity, lowers blood fats, assists yeast infections, helps asthma, cancer, sinusitis, circulatory problems and heart conditions.
German Chamomile – Helps stress, anxiety and insomnia, good for indigestion, useful for colitis and most digestive problems, effective blood cleanser and helps increase liver function and supports the pancreas. Improves bile flow from the liver, it is good for healing of the skin that might come from a blistering chemical agent.
Geranium – Dilates bile ducts for liver detoxification, antispasmodic, stops bleeding, anti-infectious, antibacterial.
Ginger – Helps nausea, motion sickness and vomiting, useful for circulatory problems, good for indigestion, and is also an effective antioxidant.
Lavender – Assists with burns, antiseptic, used as a stress reliever, good for depression, aids skin health and beauty.
Lemon – Is known for its antiseptic properties, Essential Science Publishing says that: According to Jean Valnet, M.D. the vaporized essence of lemon can kill meningococcal bacteria in 15 minutes, typhoid bacilli in one hour, Staphylococcus aureus in two hours and Pneumococcus bacteria within three hours. Lemon also improves micro-circulation, promotes white blood cell formation, and improves immune function.
Marjoram – Anti-infectious, antibacterial, dilates blood vessels, regulates blood pressure, soothes muscles.
Marshmallow – Aids bladder infections, diuretic (helps fluid retention), helps kidney problems, soothes coughs, sore throats, indigestion, and as a topical agent it is said to be anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and wound-healing.
Melissa – Assists in issues with the nervous system, blisters, and has antimicrobial properties.
Mullein – Can be used as a laxative, good for asthma and bronchitis, useful for difficulty breathing, helps hay fever.
Myrrh – Anti-infectious, antiviral, soothes skin conditions and supports immune system. Also an antispasmodic that helps to reduce spasming due to spasms caused by nerve agents.
Oregano – is a powerful antibiotic and has been proven to be more effective in neutralizing germs than some chemical antibiotics. It has been effective against germs like Staphylococcus aureas, Escherichia coli, Yersinia enterocolitica and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Pine – Antidiabetic, cortisone-like, severe infections, hypertensive
Rosemary – Antiseptic, Antibacterial, Cleansing and detoxes the body. Supports the liver and combats cirrhosis.
Rosewood – Anti-infectious, antibacterial, and antiviral.
Sage – Used in anxiety, nervous disorders, as astringent, in abdominal disorders, anti inflammatory.
Spearmint – To calm the Nervous System, aide with Nerve Agents.
Tea Tree – Disinfectant, antibacterial, anti-fungal, burns, good for all skin conditions.
Thyme – Effective against Anthrax and Tuberculosis
What you doing with that picture?

Just thinking about 'colored' people and why the races get so mean and act so evil. Perhaps it boils down to the fact that the ancestors intermingled with caucasions (sometimes against their will) and caused a massive pollution of the gene pool. Looking at our berries you don't see much sweet. The juice is all tasteless and full of impurities. Makes you wonder, yep makes you wonder.
Maryalice Anderson posted from her Ipad!

Location:N 48th St,Milwaukee,United States

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Same Shit: Different Day: Saturday

From S. Nichols over at ComputerWorld:

You may have noticed that many new DVDs and Blu-Ray discs are being advertised with a new, extra 'feature:' Digital Copy. These films, such as Wanted, The Dark Knight and Mamma Mia!, come with an additional disc. On this disc is a copy of the movie you can put it on your computer, and from there, view it on your PC's screen or on your television via an Apple TV or some other computer-to-TV device.

Sounds great, doesn't it? Well... no.

This is simply the movie industry's latest attempt to sugar coat DRM (Digital Rights Management). You already bought the movie. You should be able to watch it on any device you own that can show the movie and back it up. Of course, that's the last thing the movie companies want you to do. As far as they're concerned, you don't buy a movie, an episode of a TV show, an album, or song. You rent the use of it on one, or at most, two, devices.

Here's how Digital Copy works. Twentieth Century Fox and Apple introduced Digital Copy for iTunes earlier this year. It uses Apple's FairPlay DRM to lock down the video on the Digital Copy. Since then, Disney and Lions Gate also have started to use it. The Digital Copy can be transferred to a Windows PC or Macintosh and viewed with Windows Media Player or iTunes. You can also transfer the movie to an iPod, Apple TV or a compatible Windows Media-based portable player.

To make this happen, you pop the Digital Copy disc into your DVD drive. Next, you click on the Activate button and type in the 12- or 16-digit activation code. Your computer will then authorize the use of the copy on that PC with that particular copy of iTunes.

If you try to play that video on a machine with a different copy of iTunes, say your laptop or the next computer you buy, it won't play. It also won't run if you have a Linux PC. Transfer your copy to a new computer and reauthorize it with the activation code? Nope, that won't work either. In fact, as is so often the case with DRM, there are all kinds of ways that Digital Copy prevents you from watching your movie.

Digital Copy is nonsense. It's your movie, you bought it, and you should be able to watch it how you want to watch, when you want to watch it. There are many programs out there that allow you to make copies of your DVDs and let you watch them the way you want to view them. The combination of HandBrake, an open-source video to MPEG4 converter with versions for Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows and a DVD DRM decryption library like libdvdcss for Linux PCs, Macs, and older versions of Windows works well. Or, on XP -- but not Vista -- you can use the old, but still best of breed, DVD Decrypter

The decryption programs fall into a gray area of the law. The media companies want to lock down your rights to use your music and videos. But, it's still not clear where the dividing line is between your fair use of your media and their rights to control your use.

What I think is that we don't need Digital Copy. It's no 'feature.' It's a trick. What we really need is for the movie industry to move into the 21st century and allow people the right to view and use their movies any way they want. As movies join music in making the move from physical media, like CDs and DVDs, to online formats, the media companies need to change their business plans and meet their customers' legitimate needs.

Maryalice Anderson posted from her Ipad!

Location:N 48th St,Milwaukee,United States

Friday, May 18, 2012

Same Shit: Different Day! Friday

Exactly! Not to mention wasted millions on TV ads for #election campaigns. Priorities always taught to you, but never followed by the teachers! Shameful but #Catholics are the inventors of shame so there you have it! 7 million dollars, who can count that high in real life?
A 7 Million dollar Staff! WHat are your churches or religions doing for people except ROBBING them?

#Trayvon Martin: Exactly why Same Shit Different Day exists.
So now the shit starts! Re: @Trayvon Martin. This is gonna get nasty, cause we all know how easy it is for corrupt cops, their crony medical examiners, and DA's to plant what they want, where they want, when they want. To make reports say whatEVER! For years this society has been told to use black ink, while the powers that be control the (excuse my franch) 'white out'. Yep, It is gonna get nasty! And yes I do pronouce it franch, I was just raised that way.


Maryalice Anderson posted from her Ipad!

Location:N 48th St,Milwaukee,United States

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Same Shit: Different Day: Thursday!

When I think of something it goes straight to my feet! I done got over the man that broke my heart, so I can look at my feet and say to myself: Are those really the feet that walked over Milwaukee streets with a man named Silky Smooth? Yep, my self says to me, now tell me something good! Knock your pride aside and move on.

Maryalice Anderson posted from her Ipad!

Location:N 48th St,Milwaukee,United States

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Saving the Mind!

Meditation is simply a question of being, of melting, like a piece of butter left in the sun. It has nothing to do with whether or not you "know" anything about it, in fact, each time you practice meditation it should be fresh, as if it were happening for the very first time. You just quietly sit, your body still, your speech silent, your mind at ease, and allow thoughts to come and go, without letting them play havoc on you. If you need something to do, then watch the breathing. This is a very simple process. When you are breathing out, know that you are breathing out. When you breath in, know that you are breathing in, without supplying any kind of extra commentary or internalized mental gossip, but just identifying with the breath. That very simple process of mindfulness processes your thoughts and emotions, and then, like an old skin being shed, something is peeled off and freed.

Maryalice Anderson posted from her Ipad!

Location:N 48th St,Milwaukee,United States