Sunday, June 10, 2012

Same Shit: Different Day: Saturday

Yep-Yep! Those Koch Brothers bought this state. Real shame should be on their faces, but all you see is the green $$$ signs and Walker to appease what is left of his soul walks for Special Olympics. Yeah! He went there. So who's zooming who?

Maryalice Anderson posted from her Ipad!

Friday, June 08, 2012

Same Shit: Different Day: Friday

I don't know dude. I am still trying to cut through the BS we been fed through the years myself. So when you find out text me!

Maryalice Anderson posted from her Ipad!

Location:N 48th St, Milwaukee,WI United States

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Same Shit: Different Day! Thursday

Wisconsin is Lost!

It is all about the money! The C.R.E.A.M. syndrome has been in politics since forever. None of them really care about any of US! Unless you can spare a couple hundred thousand dollars you are just part of the ignorant masses. I vote cause I fought for the right, now that I can assimilate the real from the BS, I vote for the hope.

Maryalice Anderson posted from her Ipad!

Location:N 48th St,Milwaukee,United States

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Same Shit: Different Day

Lazy ass people in Wisconsin!
That is all I plan on saying today on that!

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Maryalice Anderson posted from her Ipad!

Location:N 48th St,Milwaukee,United States