Monday, March 13, 2017

If you have not already viewed this post please do.  It is enlightening. 


Thats all I am going to talk about today.  I plan on watching TV and deciding what to do is this big yard.  Perhaps I will pull weeds from aroud those Shasta Daisies.  They are so lovely.  If the movie shows its called 'Bastille Day', enjoy it free.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Same Shit Different Day March 10, 2017

What a beautiful day, I have Shasta Daisie growing around a tree, two large cedar tree in the back yard.  The patio is divine.  I miss my pals though.  I guess going to school takes my mind off stupid shit.  I enjoyed the Onion Project so I made it into a YouTube,  I hope it plays.  I enjoy Texas about as much as I enjoyed Michigan.  There still ain't shit to do.  Back to the book work.  I really hate America right now.  It is full of insane fucks and really ugly people.
Late dudes and dudettes.