Monday, August 01, 2005

I am having such a great day!

I came home today just to sit around. Our cash flow is so clogged we are eating peanut butter on a spoon. No kidding. Payday is Friday and I have to finish packing all this stuff accumulated over 2 years of apartment dwelling. Geez, it is so very hot in here. One silly fan and a broke-ass air conditioner.

That is my daughter over there, her name is Doris. She is the joy of my life, my first-born child. I don't know what I would do without her.

Anyway, I found a site that does nothing but pictures. Just check out what I'm up to
You should be seeing my G daughter Dominique. She just moved into her own place, works two jobs, in college full time and is just a beauty to look at don't you think?

And that handsome man there is my son-in-law. His name is Aerion. He loves my first-born child very much. He just happens to be sitting on the porch of the house I will be moving into.

There is a sun porch just off where he sits so I'm going to have a lot of fun redecorating and stuff. Finally enough room for plants and books and new things. Lot's of rummage sales, flea markets and the like. I can finally buy a sewing machine and make quilts. Can you tell that I am very happy.

I plan on posting the photos of my move and some of the actual putting away of belongings. This should be a great end of summer project. Did I say it was hot in here?


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