Wednesday, January 03, 2007

What about America’s dream Oprah?
January 3rd, 2007

Guess you have no clue about the thousands of little colored girls here in America that have dreams, HOPE’s and prayers of getting out of the poverty circle. They survive every day with hand-me-downs, bread and water and mayo sandwiches and if the money comes right a sugar sandwich. They eat beans 3 times a day untill they run out then rice. Yeah, OPh (what you are called in the hood, means Ole Phoney), they are the thousands of us that survive on $800.00 dollars a month and sometimes even less. I was one of those. My family members and friends and neighbors are still there, HERE, surviving in America. Are we holding our collective breaths waiting for you and you ilk to offer our babies, our little girls a glimmer of some of the HOPE you bestowed on those Africans (who don’t like or respect us unless we giving them something)? Well, guess we’d be dead of suffocation now wouldn’t we.

I realize you will never see this, but I feel better anyway. So for all of us colored gurls who considered suicide because that rainbow was NOT enough-FUCK YOU OPh and your ilk!

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