Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Same Shit Different Day: Wednesday

Some person wrote this on the FB wall some years ago:

Karma’s said to repay in kind the efforts of a wicked mind,
so scheme away, make your plans, fulfill your darker needs’ demands.
But heed these words and be aware: you, my friend, should tread with care
for the blade of harm and disregard cuts both ways when pushed too hard.
You sold your tale of sacrifice and played your role of being nice;
alas, all was not as it first seemed and not as easy as you dreamed.
Your motives, somewhat less than pure, have come to light so now endure:
see hidden scorn in every smile; walk the stones within each mile;
hear whispered words when none are said; and in place of hope, feel only dread.
Oh cunning one, you feel unwell? It’s not your body but mind that’s frail!
You played your cards and rolled the dice, then lost the hand you thought enticed.
Despite your efforts to deceive, the only gains you’ll now receive
are tainted by your own intent, your due reward – your discontent!
Your spiral fall into this pit of self-inflicted pain befits
the bounty of a job well-done, the effort of your foul end run.
Now claw your way back from the brink and reminisce next time you think
no one’s watching over you, weighing everything you do.
‘cause karma really is a bitch with serrated blades to scratch that itch,
that urge to feed your darker side might next time cost you your own hide.

Location:N 48th St,Milwaukee,United States

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